Dickson Davis Law Firm

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Holiday Specials for Estate Planning

Get Ready for Estate Planning as Your New Year’s Resolution

During the holidays, most people are surrounded by family and, depending on your circumstances, some of you may be faced with circumstances that trigger the need for estate planning such as wills, trusts, power of attorney, South Carolina Health Care Power of Attorney (i.e., Heath Care Medical Advance Directive).

Most people have downtime during the holidays when family time ramps up but business tends to slow down. Over the holidays is a great time to pull things together and assess your overall finances, investments, and assets right before tax season.

The Dickson Davis Law Firm is offering a special for ninety (90) days during the holidays and pre-tax season from 11/19/2018 through 2/19/2018. While consultations for the Dickson Davis Law Firm for estate planning is $150.00 per hour, filling out your estate planning worksheet before your consultation will result in a quick and meaningful consultation beforehand.

Simple wills that are often advertised are really simple, simple wills of two-three pages long. Not that these wills aren’t effective, but you run the risk of assets not captured in these wills leading those handling your estate to have to probate the will and deal with the probate process on assets not captured in the will (i.e., partial intestacy), a dual process for estates that are also a partial intestate estate subject to the South Carolina Probate Code to distribute those assets to your heirs by statute. There are a series of more comprehensive legal provisions that you want to ensure are included in even a simple will. Also, a thorough and comprehensive review of your assets, even for a simple will, is important for you to understand what non-probate assets will not pass through probate whether by will or the probate process for intestate estates or partial intestate estates.

The Dickson Davis Law Firm provides a comprehensive review of your assets and designs your will to avoid partial intestacy as much as possible. The Dickson Davis Law firm also provides various legal provisions in your will that you will not necessarily find through simple forms or what you can download online such as no-contest clauses, specific gifts, tailored residuary clauses, and so forth.

The Dickson Davis Law Firm is offering the following special for wills, power of attorneys, and South Carolina Health Care Power of Attorney:

(1) Simple Wills for $400.00 per person;

(2) Complimentary Power of Attorney normally priced at $150.00 per person;

(3) Complimentary South Carolina Health Care Power of Attorney normally priced at $100.00 per person.

Please call the Dickson Davis Law Firm today and schedule your consultation. Please make sure to fill out the Estate Planning Worksheet (click to download) in advance prior to your consultation.